Issac’s Christmas gift for care homes who are willing to improve.

Issac’s Christmas gift for care homes who are willing to improve.
Tips to become Outstanding

Who put the seed in my mind?

My Christmas remained the same for such a long time. Spending time with family and friends, having a lot of food, drinks, puddings and chocolates. There was no much difference; it was just another routine. I was listening to Big Ian Donaghy at the Care Show a couple of weeks ago. I was amazed by what he does for his community with ‘zero’ money. Big Ian Donaghy is an amazing man with lots of energy to put a stop to the loneliness of the older adults by a campaign called #dementiaisateamgame. What a fantastic thing to do! Check out Ian’s website here. After listening to him I promised him, my Christmas would be different this time.

Procrastination helps

Yes, procrastination is bad for all of us. But I would say creative procrastination is a fantastic thing to do. You think about your mission when you are awake and asleep. Your brain continuously tries to find a solution. Since listening to Big Ian, I was thinking how could I help the community during this Christmas with the skills that I have.

Decision made

Yes, I have made a decision of how I could help other people with my skills. There is nothing better than giving something back to the community for free. I am willing to do a  one day free care home audit for FIVE care homes who are ready to improve. Any care homes which has a CQC rating of Inadequate or Requires Improvement can ask me for a free visit. It will be done on a first come first serve basis and only for care homes who look after people over the age of 65 years.

It involves the following:

  • Attending your handover in the morning.
  • Going through your care folders.
  • Going through your admin folder.
  • Interviewing your staff and the manager.
  • Interviewing your residents.
  • Interviewing your visitors.
  • Observing the lunchtime and interactions.
  • Honest verbal feedback on how to improve your care home, at the end of the day to the responsible person.

I want to help any care home who genuinely wants to improve, to provide better care for the people they care for. I want to visit places who are ready to take the feedback positively and action it, to give a better service. I do not want any care homes to be rated as Requires Improvement or Inadequate.

My visit will happen before Christmas 2018.  But you should promise me that you should act on my advise in this free care home audit and give me feedback on how you are making progress at the end of Jan 2019.

If you are genuinely ready for some action before Christmas, please fill in this form.

Even if this free care home audit have expired – please visit our Consultancy page to see the services we provide to help your care home achieve CQC Outstanding.

NB: Unfortunately if your care home is miles away from my home, bearing in mind my travel and accommodation cost would help me to have a good Christmas as well.

About Issac Theophilos

About the author: Issac Theophilos is a Qualified Nurse with a Degree in Nursing and an MBA In Healthcare Leadership and Management. He is the author of How to get outstanding: An ultimate guide for care homes. He is the founder of Outstanding Care Homes, Consultancy that helps care homes to improve their standard of practice. He was previously a Care Home Manager, and his care home was rated as Outstanding in all the areas of inspection. Follow @issactheophilos