Why choose CQC ‘Outstanding’ rated care homes?

CQC rates each care homes as Inadequate, Requires Improvement, Good and Outstanding. Only 3.5% of the care homes in England are rated as Outstanding by the Care Quality Commission. Getting rated as Outstanding is a lot of hard work. The staff in these CQC ‘outstanding’ rated care homes do go the extra mile for the people they are looking after. They enable people to live healthy and fulfilling life. The likelihood of receiving inadequate care for your loved one is less in comparison to other care homes.
This website lists only Outstanding rated care homes in England.
There are tons of excellent online reviews about care homes, but excellent online reviews do not always reflect high-quality care and provide the best experience. That’s why Outstanding Care Homes are on a mission to promote only the best nursing and residential homes for their hard work. Share our campaign if you believe that everyone should receive the best care and promote outstanding care homes.
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We want to encourage all care homes to deliver the best possible care for their clients. Please check our consultancy page to see how we can help your care home to be Outstanding.
Download our ‘Choosing a Care Home’ checklist (WSCC) to help you get started in choosing the right care home.