A care home is a people business. To handle people, along with the right leadership, you need streamlined care home systems and processes for achieving the desired outcomes. The care sector is evolving and changing no more than ever now. Hence the review of the standard operating procedure is essential to keep up with the changes within the care regulations. Reviewing your systems and process at least every two years is vital to refresh and reflect on what your team is doing.
What are the potential problems that can arise because of the lack of established systems and processes in your care home business?
- Lack of clarity on who is to do what.
- Decision making concentrated with the care home manager.
- Lack of proper response to complaints and concerns.
- Missing paperwork.
- Trouble filling beds.
- No confidence in defining a price for the service.
- Poor CQC compliance.
- Human resource wastage.
- Spending unnecessarily for products and services with no value in return.
- Lack of staff management.
- Unhappy staff and morale.
How can we help to develop your systems and process?
We help to streamline your process if you are a small provider to a large care homegroup. The size of the care home group is not the matter; what works locally should be streamlined across all your care homes. Hence you can expect to get the same results from all your care homes. We would strongly recommend that you review your existing operations before setting off to purchase more care homes.
This service will benefit both the new care home providers and other providers who have been in the sector for too long. For a new care home provider, you want to have clarity on how to operate your business from the start. We will help to streamline the process within your care home, which you can implement along with your first-year targets. Start early; avoid regrets later. The cost of repair is way more than having proper systems in place at the earliest.
Is there any research background to our methodology?
We use a combination of ‘Lean Principles’ and ‘Six Sigma’ model. Having a synergic approach will help care home businesses to reduce waste and address improvements in delivering high-quality care. Both the models are heavily used across all the sectors and industries since decades ago. We aim to bring those models in use to the care home business.
How much will it cost for developing a care home operational structure?
The cost will depend on where you are now. If you want to define systems and processes if you are building a care home from the start, the price will be less. If you are an existing business, much time will be consumed for studying your current business process before making any revision.
Yes, we have new systems and process, what happens if people don’t change?
We very well understanding changing people is the hardest thing. Staff may be accustomed to working in the same way as usual despite any changes in the operations. We do not disregard this hard fact. We will also help you to strategize the process of onboarding people. The quoted figure will also include a workshop to be conducted for all the staff to relay our findings and how we can get your team to start taking ownership to begin the change process within your care home. We do follow up visits to ensure you are on track.