About Issac Theophilos

About the author: Issac Theophilos is a Qualified Nurse with a Degree in Nursing and an MBA In Healthcare Leadership and Management. He is the author of How to get outstanding: An ultimate guide for care homes. He is the founder of Outstanding Care Homes, Consultancy that helps care homes to improve their standard of practice. He was previously a Care Home Manager, and his care home was rated as Outstanding in all the areas of inspection. Follow @issactheophilos

Oral Care in care homes

How do we care for our teeth? We brush our teeth, twice a day. (Sometimes even more after having a spicy curry) Use mouth fresheners and visit a dentist at least once in a year.  Why should it be different for our residents? Dementia is not a reason for not visiting the dentist or not having […]

Why only 3.7% of the care homes are rated as outstanding in England?

Care Quality Commission, the independent regulator has introduced the new system of inspection for care homes in October 2014. Under the new inspection regime, care homes will be inspected on five domains – Safety, Effective, Caring, Responsive and Well-led. The new guidelines and criteria are focusing on a holistic approach to the style of inspection. […]