Care Home Leadership Assessment (CLA) Score© is a unique and the first leadership assessment developed specifically for Care Home Managers in the UK. This tool specifically assesses the leadership skills of the care managers at a practical level within a care home setting. CLA Score© is designed around CQCs Key Lines of Enquiry. This tool should be used for developing your leadership skills. You will understand what outstanding leaders are doing in their care home by taking this test. CLA Score© will rate your leadership in four categories:
- Inadequate
- Requires Improvement
- Good
- Outstanding
CLA Score© has two parts: CLA Score© Self Assessment – Done by care Manager as a self-assessment. CLA Score© Peer Assessment – Rest of the staff reviewing Manager’s leadership skills.
CLA Score© Self Assessment:
- This questionnaire is designed to be used only for Registered Care Home Managers for self-reflection.
- This tool is not to be used by anyone else.
- Accessing this document without payment will be classed as illegal access.
- This tool should not be copied or distributed without prior consent from the author. All rights reserved for OCH Solutions Ltd.
- The questionnaire will provide an opportunity for the leader to do a self-assessment of their leadership skills within a care home setting.
- You will have to do this questionnaire with utmost honesty.
- The questionnaire is categorised based on the inspection criteria of the Care Quality Commission, i.e. Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive and Well-led.
- This tool can be used to identify areas of improvement needed as a leader.
- This tool is very intense and detailed, and you should criticise yourself objectively before confirming a score.
- Be kind yourself to put a high score for areas where you already excel.
- Please make sure you provide a valid email address. (Please double check the email)
- Use of data: We process your questionnaire through our software partner. We will use email to send you communications regarding the questionnaire. We will keep your report for up to three years as a default; you can ask us to delete the data whenever you want by writing to us. Your data will not be shared with anyone else i.e. a PROMISE.
- The assessment consists of 98 questions.
- You should do the questionnaire when you have minimum 30 minutes with no disturbance.
- The questionnaire should be done in one sitting; you will not be able to change your answers once submitted.
- The questionnaire will be sent to you within one working day after making the payment.
- The results will be sent to you within two working days once you have completed the assessment.
- You should remain very positive when you receive the results and embrace the areas of development needed.
- This investment is well worth if you are aspiring to become an Outstanding Manager.
- Disclaimer: CLA Score© should only for career development purposes. We will not be responsible for any liabilities.
CLA Score© Peer Assessment:
- Peer assessment will give a chance to see how your staff perceive you as a leader. This is the best tool to identify your areas of improvement if you aspire to become an Outstanding Leader.
- If you purchase the Peer Assessment, you will be redirected to send us your details.
- The link for Peer Assessment will be sent to you as an email.
- You will have to share the link with all your staff.
- Your staff will get an opportunity to give feedback on your performance.
- Atelast 10 staff should do the peer assessment.
- The staff response will be anonymous and no tracking of any kind is used. Hence staff can give an honest feedback about their Manager.
- No details about the staff will be asked.
- Staff will also get an opportunity to comment on the Manager’s performance.
- Peer Assessment will also include 98 questions. Minimum time to complete 20 minutes.
- The link will be active for 14 days from the day it is sent out to you.
- A report will be sent you within five working days with results.
- You should remain very positive when you receive the results and embrace the areas of development needed.